Savings range hugely from building to building with average savings of 35%. With over 330,000 units sold we have had reported savings ranging from 20% to 76%. This is down to a number of factors, such as:
Ceiling Height:
The higher the ceiling the higher the level of savings for your property. This is due to a greater percentage of the area being overheated, leading to higher levels of stratification and in turn heat loss. The Airius units eliminate this stratification, minimising the buildings heat loss.
A well-insulated building will capture the maximum amount of heat at roof level leading to high levels of stratification. Airius units then equalise the temperature achieving average savings of 35% (depending on other factors).
The lower the level of insulation the higher the saving. This is due to a vastly increased level of heat loss, mainly escaping through the roof. The Airius units capture and recirculate the heat before it has the opportunity to escape.
Achieving Temperature:
If the thermostat set point is being achieved at ground level then the saving will be higher. If not then the Airius units will still reduce a building’s heating requirement.
The difference being that if the thermostat set point is not being achieved then the first part of the heat load reduction will be used to reach the thermostat set point before savings can be achieved.
Process heat/ Ambient heat
The higher the level of process heat, the higher the level of saving. Process heat is a term used for any heat produced by an internal process other than from the HVAC system. This process heat can be produced by anything from factory machinery, motors and ovens, to computer equipment, lighting and even body heat.
Ambient heat from sun light, even in winter coming through skylights, heated steel roof panels and windows will also be utilised.
This process/ambient heat rises up into the roof space and will be captured and recirculated further reducing the demand on the heating system.