How Most Viruses, Including the Coronavirus, Spread Indoors


With coronavirus dominating the news and fears about the level of contagion sparking increasingly more forceful responses from governments around the world, people are being advised to self-isolate if they are experiencing any flu-like symptoms.

Why are government advising people to stay away from work, school, conferences, pubs, and other indoor places? It’s because coronavirus, as with all other illnesses, is more likely to be passed on indoors.

How can you protect yourself, your staff, and the people who depend on your organisation from illness? By installing an Airius PureAir air purification and odour control system.

In this article, we examine:

  • •  how colds and viruses spread
  • •  why you’re less likely to catch a cold or a virus outdoors
  • •  the negative health effects of poor quality indoor air in general
  • •  the economic consequences for businesses which don’t take air quality seriously
  • •  how clean indoor air can actually prevent the spread of illness in a workplace
  • •  introducing the Airius PureAir system and how to find out more about it

The process of cold or virus spread

We become ill when germs, bacteria, viruses, fungal spores, viroids, prions, or protozoans enter our body and our immune system has no immediate defence against this new pathogen.

Most of the time, our immune system starts to work out the exact weapon it needs to successfully fight against these pathogens. Inside us, for a few days, there is a way as our defence system protects us and we are the friendly fire in that war.

But how do they spread? Colds and viruses spread a number of different ways, some of the most common being airborne and through direct or indirect contact with the pathogen. If you work with someone and they have poor WC hygiene habits, you and your colleagues are particularly vulnerable.

Why are you less likely to catch a cold or virus outdoors?

Assuming you’re wearing appropriate clothing for the outside temperate and weather conditions, you are less likely to catch a cold or virus outdoors because the air which surrounds you is constantly changing.

Fresh air is good for you and the unceasing movement of air outdoors is too hostile for most viruses and bacteria to survive and the opportunity to latch onto a host is greatly diminished. Studies in America have even shown that those of us who enjoy an outdoor life are likely to be healthier, less susceptible to illness, and less likely to suffer from allergies because, among other things, the “goodness” of outdoor air and physical exercise helps to build our immune systems.

Indoor air and the health effect on individuals

Colds and viruses are much happier indoors – the environment is far less harsh for them. MRSA, Norwalk virus, streptococcus, bird flu, swine flu, candida albicans, listeria, streptococcus pneumoniae, staphylococcus aureus, and bacillus globigii can survive outside of a human body for a longer time than you might think if the environment is right for them.

We might be sharing an office or a bus in the winter with others meaning we’re in much closer contact with these other people and their germs.

If you’re already ill and the air quality is poor, it makes the cold or virus you’re suffering from worse. Pollutants, whether indoors or outdoors, cause our body to produce “inflammatory” agents en masse and, past a certain point, they actually inhibit our recovery.

Indoors, those pollutants might be cleaning product chemicals. Pollutants may be caused by damp, poor ventilation (meaning continuous exposure to the same germs), your home heating system, and even your cooking methods.

The risk of catching a cold or virus in your own home is much greater than being outside but that risk is dwarfed by the threat of infection in the workplace.

The economic impact for companies with bad indoor air

Governments’ first reaction to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic has not been to advise people to go to work or school – it’s to stay at home.

That’s because the pollutants often introduced into your workplace by your colleagues, customers, service users or patients are much worse because there are so many people. It’s the same reason so many new students become sick after they move into a hall of residence with hundreds of other people.

At least if you’re in your own home, there’s only you and your family to worry about – in a work environment, there’ll be the cough, the sneezes, the unwashed hands, and more of potentially hundreds of carriers who can pass on their ailment to you.

Every sneeze and cough indoors means that we’re at a greater risk of exposure. And the risk of exposure lasts long after the sneeze or the cough because germs can survive for much longer without a host indoors. Every time we touch the furniture, the fixtures, or the door handles in an office or on a bus, these germs who are enjoying an extended life have another opportunity to infect us.

When you’re in work and one or more colleagues is sick, it’s hard sometimes not to resent the extra workload on you. But, for some companies and organisation, that resentment and dissatisfaction goes a lot further because of something called Sick Building Syndrome (SBS).

SBS describes when numerous colleagues within a company claim that the building they work in makes them feel poorly. In cases where SBS is not caused by assembly process or construction material defects, poor cleaning, poor air quality, and insufficient building maintenance is to blame.

There is a way to protect your colleague’s health and to prevent the spread of cold and viruses among your workforce – thorough and regular cleaning, better movement of air within a confined space, and better quality of air within a confined space.

Clean indoor air prevents the spread of illness – a new approach

Your office should be cleaned a few times every week with a deep clean taking place every three months. For your cleaners or contract cleaners, the deep clean will take a lot longer if germs, bacteria, and viruses’ lives are made easier by stale, stagnant, and inadequate indoor air quality. And a deep clean on its own isn’t enough.

If you solve the problem or poor air quality, the experience of our customers suggests that absenteeism will decline by 20%. Your no-longer sick building will not be the cause of an average of five days of sick leave per year per employee.

The Airius PureAir air purification and odour control system


The germs, bacteria, and viruses present in poor quality air will make yours a less pleasant company or organisation to work for. But how do you kill them – or at least 99%+ of them.

You do that through a process called oxidation – it’s the same chemical that causes metal to rust. Oxidation causes complex and damaging reactions in the underlying structure of germs, bacteria, viruses, fungal spores, viroids, prions, and protozoans.

It’s achieved by shining a broad spectrum, high-efficiency UV light into an enclosed indoor area – this light reactions with airborne moisture to create something called hydroperoxides. The hydroperoxides accelerate the oxidation process in the pathogens present in the area of use within your office or workplace.

The Airius PureAir’s integrated PHI Cell manufactured by RGF Environmental, one of the world’s leading specialists in air, water and food purification, reduced by a factor 99%+ the presence of MRSA, Norwalk Virus, Streptococcus, Bird Flu, Swine Flu, Candida Albicans, and SARS within the space of 24hrs. There was also a 99%+ reduction in listeria, mould, streptococcus pneumoniae, staphylococcus aureus, and bacillus globigii present within 48 hours.

In addition, users benefit from:

  • •  99% food surface microbial reduction
  • •  97% airborne bacterial reduction
  • •  97% airborne mould reduction
  • •  85% odour reduction
  • •  Over 80% VOC reduction

The Airius PureAir system for better health and healthier staff

Companies using the PureAir system see a 20% reduction in absenteeism. The PHI Cell technology featured in the Airius PureAir has been tested and approved by the Chinese Government for protection against the SARS Virus as well as receiving US military approval for mould protection in field hospitals.

Please get in touch with us by calling 01202 554 200 or simply send an email to and we’ll be in touch with further information on the Airius PureAir system.

Based in Dorset, Airius provides destratification fans, LED lighting systems, and electrical engineering services. We work with public sector organisations and businesses to improve their physical environments and to reduce energy expenditure. Our client roster includes British Airways, Harrods, Mercedes, Siemens, Morrisons and Waitrose.

Photohydroionisation (PHI) – What You Need To Know


The Airius PureAir Series is an exciting and brand new technological innovation. Integrating the latest in PHI Cell purification technology from RGF Environmental, with the worlds leading destratification and airflow circulation fan from Airius, the PureAir Series reduces indoor viruses and bacteria whilst also eliminating odours from commercial and domestic environments.

Throughout our history, the energy-saving destratification systems created by the product development team here at our company have:

  • •  improved client productivity
  • •  reduced absenteeism by up to 20%
  • •  produced healthier staff
  • •  created fresh indoor environments enjoyed by employees, visitors, patients, contractors, shoppers, and more

Airius work to the very highest standards manufacturing and installing products suitable for deployment within medical facilities. By doing so, we’re able to provide all clients, medical and non-medical, with the most effective air purification and movement systems available.

In addition to the health benefits, Airius is also conscious of the need for the public and private sectors to reduce energy consumption. Our new Airius PHI system reduces CO2 emissions, heating costs, and cooling cost by an average of 35% following installation at clients’ premises.

In this article on the Airius PureAir Series, we’ll cover:

  • •  what the Airius PureAir Series is
  • •  the Airius PureAir destratification unit and why the movement of air indoors is important
  • •  what photohydroionisation is and what our photohydroionisation (PHI) cell does
  • •  how to deploy the Airius PureAir Series in your premises
  • •  the benefits enjoyed by Airius PureAir Series at installed sites
  • •  how to find out more about the Airius PureAir Series

What is the Airius PureAir Series?

The Airius PureAir Series consists of two units each containing proprietary technologies:

  • •  a destratification unit for the movement of air
  • •  a photohydroionisation cell from RGF Environmental for the purification of your indoor air

Airius destratification unit

The Airius destratification unit recirculated the heated air which is always rising from the floor to the ceiling in customers’ premises. Air is circulated back down to the floor in a column which results in an even temperature experience for staff and other people present from the floor to the ceiling.

A common problem with many older air conditioning systems is the presence of hot and cold spots within a confined area. The Airius destratification unit eliminates those hot and cold spots which results in the significant drop in the energy used by your current HVAC system. The two main beneficial outcomes of the drop in HVAC electrical consumption are reduced energy bills and lower carbon emissions.

Why the movement of air indoors is important

The quality of indoor air can be affected by moisture, inefficient HVAC systems, insulation, carpets, and pollution from the outdoors which comes in through your open windows.

Effective circulation of air around your premises (sometimes known as air exchange, air flow, or ventilation) filters the air which you, your colleagues, and your service users/customers breathe.

The Photohydroionisation (PHI) Cell

The movement of indoor air is important but so is ensuring that the air which is circulated around your premises is as clean and healthy as possible.

Indoors, the air around us contains many contaminants hazardous to the health of staff, customers, and other people who visit your premises. The common cold, MRSA, Norwalk Virus, Streptococcus, Bird Flu, Swine Flu, Candida Albicans, and SARS is airborne and many health commentators have speculated that the rapid spread of these viruses has been caused by unfiltered, unclean air within indoor environments.

Mould, potentially responsible for the introduction and transmission of many respiratory illnesses in indoor environments, is now recognised by all major health authorities around the world as being particularly hazardous to human health.

This potentially toxic cocktail of contaminants invisible to the naked eye is a major cause of Sick Building Syndrome – a condition which affects the people who live and work within a particular building. Those with Sick Building Syndrome suffer from tiredness, a lack of focus, dry skin and eyes, headaches, and other symptoms. Sick Building Syndrome has been linked to poor learning outcomes in schools and impaired productivity within the workplace.

It’s not only germs that cause SBS – the cause may be effluents released by your printer toner cartridge in use, the chemicals from laminate flooring, and biological contaminants trapped inside your air conditioning system. All of those are present for a long time in an office or workplace with poor air movement and poor air quality.

The photohydroionisation cell contained within the Airius PHI uses advanced oxidation technology to improve the quality of indoor air.

What is photohydroionisation?

Oxidation reduces or eliminates mould, volatile organic compounds, bacteria, viruses, and odours within a confined space. There are a number of different oxidation methods used in the creation of clean air including the release of ozone, the release of hydrogen peroxide, and the photohydroionisation effect.

The patented PHI Cell from RGF Environmental, with an estimated life of 25,000 working hours, encourages the photohydroionisation effect within your premises using a high efficiency, broad spectrum ultra-violet (UV) bulb. Photohydroionisation works through the reaction of moisture in the air to create hydroperoxides – hydroperoxides (or the ionised version of them) is what’s responsible for that clean smell outside following a thunderstorm.

The use of hydroperoxide greatly accelerates the oxidation process which reduces or eliminates mould, volatile organic compounds, bacteria, viruses, and odours in your premises without some of the safety risks associated with other forms of oxidation.

Airius PureAir Series generic applications

The Airius PHI system can be installed in any indoor environment including:

  • •  waste disposal areas
  • •  toilets
  • •  food preparation facilities
  • •  offices
  • •  locker rooms, and
  • •  permitted smoking areas

We supply and install organisations in the medical sector, the commercial sector, and the public sector.

Airius PureAir Series medical sector clients

Airius PureAir Series units are suitable for:

  • •  hospitals
  • •  dentists’ practices
  • •  care and nursing homes
  • •  medical and first aid facilities and
  • •  doctors’ surgeries

Please contact us for more information.

Airius PureAir Series commercial and public sector clients

We can install Airius PureAir Series Systems for:

  • •  children’s nurseries
  • •  restaurants
  • •  schools
  • •  colleges
  • •  universities
  • •  retailers
  • •  swimming pools
  • •  leisure facilities
  • •  nightclubs
  • •  bars
  • •  jails, and
  • •  factories

More information on Photohydroionisation and the Airius PureAir Series

Airius has supplied over 330,000 destratification units around the world and our technology has improved our clients’ indoor environments and reduced their carbon emissions.

Please get in touch with us by calling 01202 554 200 or simply send an email to and we’ll be in touch with further information about the Airius PHI.

Airius is one of the world’s leading providers of energy saving destratification systems but we’ve got a local footprint – our EMEA office is based in Dorset providing destratification fans, LED lighting systems, and electrical engineering services to customers in all four countries of the United Kingdom.

Airius proudly supplies both public sector organisations and businesses with the products and services they need to improve their physical environments and to reduce their energy expenditure. Among our most high-profile clients are British Airways, Harrods, Mercedes, Siemens, Morrisons, and Waitrose.

Airius Launches The PureAir Series to Improve IAQ & Help Fight The Coronavirus


Airius PureAir Series – Air Purification & Odour Control Destratification Systems

At such a time of concern for people all over the world regarding health, disease and infections, it’s a reassuring announcement that Airius launches the PureAir Series, guaranteed to improve indoor environments.

The Airius PureAir air purification and odour control system reduces viruses, bacteria and gases by up to 99%, as well as mould and odours by over 90%, creating clean, healthy and odour-free indoor spaces.

In workspaces, the Airius PureAir system has been proven to reduce staff absenteeism and increase staff productivity. Simple to install, the units are small, versatile and unobtrusive and the system can also reduce heating and cooling costs by an average of 35%. The system reduces CO2 emissions by an average of 35% and recycles the heat produced from machinery, lighting and heat gain.

Managing director of Airius, Stephen Bridges, said: “Indoor air quality can be defined by a range of criteria. It can be affected by gases, including Carbon Monoxide, Radon, and Volatile Organic Compounds, Particulates, microbial contaminants like Mould, Bacteria, or any mass or energy stressor that can induce adverse health conditions.

“The Airius PureAir is the perfect low-cost solution for hospitals, care homes, doctors and dentist surgeries, children’s nurseries and food preparation facilities in maintaining a clean, healthy and odour-free environment.

“While air is continuously purified by the PureAir’s integrated PHI Cell, manufactured by RGF Environmental, one of the worlds leading specialists in air, water and food purification, the space is also being thermally equalised through destratification, which improves comfort by the elimination of hot and cold spots. This system also reduces energy consumption by balancing floor and ceiling temperatures.”

Air purification is critical in maintaining healthy and welcoming building environments. Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) and indoor air pollution has a major influence on the health, comfort and wellbeing of building occupants such as customers, staff and patients and with recent health epidemics such as MRSA and SARS, is widely recognised by the Government and leading industry organisations including BRE, FETA and HSE. So it will be of great benefit to these organisations and buildings that Airius launches PureAir the Series.

Research conducted by utility giant DTE Energy found that thermal stratification is the single biggest waste of energy in buildings today, as well as by the Carbon Trust, which recommends destratification as one of its top three carbon-saving measures.

Airius PureAir PHI Cell Coronavirus Testing – Impact on Novel COVID-19


At Airius we are constantly developing and improving our products and establishing the effectiveness of the integrated PHI Cell from RGF Environmental in our PureAir Series of fan units on COVID19 is something high on our agenda. As defined by the World Health Organization, Coronaviruses (CoV) are a large family of viruses that cause illness ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-CoV) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV).

The recent COVID-19 illness is an infectious disease caused by the most recently discovered coronavirus. This new virus was unknown before the outbreak began in Wuhan, China, in December 2019.

Is PHI Cell technology in the Airius PureAir series effective at reducing COVID-19?

COVID-19 is a member of the enveloped RNA coronavirus (subgenus sarbecovirus, Orthocoronavirinae) subfamily. While Airius does not have testing specifically on COVID-19, we have validated test results showing 99+% reductions on similar viruses. These viruses, like COVID-19, are also ‘enveloped’ or protein jacketed virus types. If we can reduce these virus types, an assumption could be made that we would also be effective at reducing the current coronavirus at hand. Important to note that we make no medical claims.

Is PHI Cell technology in the Airius PureAir approved for use in hospitals and healthcare settings?

Many hospitals have approved and installed the Airius PureAir PHI-Cell technology throughout their facilities.

PHI Cell Coronavirus Testing on COVID-19

We currently do not have Airius PureAir Coronavirus testing specifically on the Wuhan Coronavirus (COVID-19). We are evaluating testing options with partners in both the U.S. and China. As there are a limited number of facilities capable of testing for this virus, their focus is on prioritising testing as it relates directly to the recent outbreaks.

While reviewing this bulletin Dr. Marsden (KSU) commented, “This virus apparently is similar to other viruses that we previously tested. There is every reason to believe that the Airius PureAir technology would be effective in reduction of COVID-19.” In combination with Airius PureAir technologies it is recommended to always follow antimicrobial protocols and procedures per regulatory guidelines.

Disclaimer: The PHI Cell technology from RGF Environmental integrated in Airius PureAir series units has not been tested on coronavirus (COVID-19) and is not a medical device therefore no medical claims are made. Testing conducted by independent accredited labs and universities.

Aged Care Facility Eliminates Illness Outbreaks For 5 Years Running


With 2019 proving to be an Influenza nightmare, Care Home Coronavirus protection is high on the safety agenda.

But some Aged Care facilities are proving that taking action early is the key to success. Tandara Lodge Community Care, in Tasmania, has not had a “notifiable outbreak” in 5 years, a significant achievement in the Aged Care Industry.  Their secret? Five years ago they installed a new Fan range from Airius, called the PureAir Series with an integrated PHI Cell, throughout their whole facility.  The intent of the fans was to save heating energy and clean the air.

Five years later the PureAir Series has proven its ability to reduce airborne diseases and smells. Kansas State University conducted independent testing of the PHI cell, manufactured by RGF Environmental, one of the worlds leading air, water and food purification specialists and found it successfully removed 99%+ of moulds, bacteria, viruses, VOCs and odours (see exact list in the MORE section), proving itself to be a very effective potential Care Home Coronavirus protection system. The PureAir Series again proved its worth when a sewage issue inside the facility cause immense distress to the elderly, struggling to breathe with the horrific smell. They found the residents huddled under the fans with the PHI cell in them as it had neutralised the air underneath so they could breathe untainted air.

Tandara has not only saved itself thousands of dollars with outbreak containment and clean up costs, but also additionally saved energy costs as the Air Pears are not only bacteria killers, they are also some of the most energy efficient and effective destratification fans on the market.  Significant heating costs reductions can be achieved with the use of Airius fans in winter climates.  With an ROI of approximately one year, installing the Airius Air Pear with PHI was a cost effective and sound investment into the health, safety and comfort of the elderly in their care.

More About Airius and the PHI

Fight mould, bacteria, viruses, VOCs and odours with the optional factory installed Photohydroionisation (PHI) cell that emits advanced oxidation plasma (0.01 – 0.02 ppm). The fan circulates Hydro-Peroxides, super oxide ions and hydroxide ions throughout the space, neutralising more than 99 percent of micro-organisms. PHI’s proven technology can reduce sick building syndrome, significantly reduce gases/VOC’s/odours and maintain healthy environments.

Kansas State Univ. Testing has proven

The PHI cell from RGF Environmental successfully removed 99%+ of the following germs from the air:

  • Bird Flu
  • H1N1
  • Norovirus
  • Bacillius Globigii
  • Bacillus Cereus
  • Clostridium Difficile
  • Coli
  • Legionella
  • Listeria Monocytogenes
  • MRSA
  • Pseudomonas Sp.
  • Salmonella
  • Staphylococcus Aureus
  • Streptococcus Pneumoniae
  • Tuberculosis
  • Stachybotrys Chartarum

A Simple Solution That Could Protect Against The Spread Of Coronavirus


Coronavirus Protection: What Do We Need To Do?

With the recent outbreak of COVID-19 continuing to devastate the world, everyones minds are turning to Coronavirus Protection and people are asking ‘how do we protect ourselves’?

The answer is simple and advised by health organisations all over the world, be sensible, wash your hands and stay away from “bacteria, germs and viruses”. That is the most effective method of Coronavirus Protection.

However, we don’t have control over all the environments we inhabit. To tackle this Airius supply the PureAir Series air purification and odour control system, incorporating a unique PHI Cell manufactured by one of the worlds leading specialists in air, water and food purification – RGF Environmental.

Simply put, Coronavirus on surfaces or in the air, may be minimised or even negated wherever the PHI Cell is in operation.

Let’s get technical below:


Air Purification in the PHI Cell

PhotoHydroionisation (PHI) cells can be installed into a wide range of Airius fans, including the Standard Series, Suspended Series and Designer Series or in air conditioning ducts, split and package units etc, providing the perfect solution for fighting viruses, mould, bacteria, VOCs and odours.

Emitting advanced oxidation plasma (0.01 – 0.02ppm) from the PHI Cell, the fan circulates Hydro-Peroxides, superoxide ions and hydroxide ions throughout the space, neutralising up to 99 per cent of micro-organisms. The breakthrough in the PHI advanced oxidation technologies is a group of oxidants known as Hydroperoxides that have been a common part of our environment for over 3.5 billion years.

The PHI Cell’s proven technology can reduce Sick Building Syndrome (SBS), significantly reduce gases/VOC’s/odours and maintain healthy environments. The cell successfully removes 99% of germs from the air and surfaces, including Bird Flu, Norovirus, E. Coli, Listeria, Strep, and other airborne germs and bacteria.

Tandara Lodge Community Care has not had a “notifiable outbreak” in 5 years after installing the Airius PureAir Series with integrated PHI Cell. And they have not only benefited from the effects of fresh, clean air, keeping those in the facility safe and healthy, preventing any outbreaks from occurring, but they have also benefited from the energy reduction and monetary savings from the worlds most popular destratification and airflow circulation fan.

Airius Airius Purification Fan With Patented PHI Cell
  • 99% reduction surface bacteria/virus reduction.
  • • Over 80% VOC reduction.
  • • 97% airborne bacterial reduction.
  • • 99% reductions of E. Coli, Listeria, Strep, Bird Flu and many more.
  • • 85% odour reduction.
  • • 97% airborne mould reduction.
  • • Approved by the USDA, FSIS and FDA for use in food processing plants.
  • • US Military approved for mould protection in field hospitals.
  • • Tested and approved by the Chinese Government for protection against the SARS virus.
  • • Used to mitigate airborne bacteria, mould, viruses, smoke, odours and VOC’s in applications such as hospitals, care/nursing homes, doctors offices, offices, schools, food preparation facilities and many other applications.

Disclaimer: All the tests above were performed on the RGF Environmental Reme Halo PHI Advanced Oxidation system with Advanced Oxidation Plasma of less than .02 ppm. They were conducted by independent accredited labs and university studies. They were funded and conducted by major RGF Environmental clients to assure third party credibility. PHI products are not medical devices and no medical claims are made.

If you have any questions or queries about the PureAir Series and its integrated PHI Cell, or about Coronavirus Protection please Contact Us anytime by phone, on +44 (0)1202 554200 or by email at

Should Air Purification In Buildings Now Be A Legal Requirement?


Why Is Air Purification Now More Important Than Ever?

Although we still have much to learn about how COVID-19 is spread and the effect is has on humans, we can be sure in the knowledge that viruses such as corona are transmitted when an infected person coughs, sneezes, or even speaks – spreading droplets containing the bacteria.

These droplets land on surfaces, and if picked up by another human and transported into their mouth, nose or eyes, can then cause the infection to spread. Because these contaminated droplets can float in the atmosphere before continuing the chain of infection into the next person, part of the fight against our current pandemic can be addressed by implementing correct air purification methods.

Research has been undertaken that shows viruses such as coronavirus may be spread through air ventilation systems. Similarly, studies have shown that environments that operate high levels of outdoor ventilation have reduced risk of transmitting viruses like influenza, tuberculosis and SARS – which share many similarities with the coronavirus.

For buildings such as educational facilities or commercial spaces, the choice of air conditioning systems contributes hugely to the health and wellbeing of the inhabitants. The aim is to have clean air circulate regularly to disperse, or trap and neutralise virus particles in the atmosphere. The higher the concentration of people in the facility, the more chance there is for a bigger outbreak of a virus.

In the case of coronavirus, which is causing huge death and disruption worldwide, a focus on air purification is crucial because we know the virus is highly contagious.

With this in mind, it is clear that attacking the virus from all angles – including the use air purification – is what is needed for us all to return to some sort of normality.

What Is The Current Legislation Around Air Purification In Buildings?

We all have the right to breath clean air in buildings. Whether this is our own home, our place of work, or in shops or entertainment facilities. The British, European and international technical standards of clean indoor air quality have changed and evolved over time.

Before the COVID-19 pandemic, standards were concerned with outdoor air traffic pollution from gas emissions, as well as indoor air quality which was focused on aspects like air humidity, correct ventilation, air circulation, filtration and air exchange rate.

The World Health Organisation (WHO) annually publish exposure limits of airborne particles and gases which are hazardous to humans. Gases such as NO2 are dangerous to inhale, and because these can be measured, environments can be tested to see if they are safe to occupy.

Correct ventilation of buildings is a standard requirement in the UK. Legally, outside air must be drawn into a building in order to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide inside – a waste product produced when we breath. The air that is drawn in needs to be cleansed of various particles and nitrogen dioxide, as well as being filtered to remove other harmful pollutants or pathogens.

An air pollutant can be classed as either a gas or a particle, and viruses can be considered a particle in this sense as they disperse in a similar fashion within our air supply. All of these contaminants need to be dealt with in order to provide occupants of a building with clean, fresh air.

Particles need to be filtered out using air filtration technology, namely fabric or fibres, and gases should be eliminated by using methods such as cooling and distilling. Viruses can be eliminated using UVGI technology within air conditioning units.

Currently, there are no clear new laws on the purification of air in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19, however research into this area is likely to be on-going.

How Might We See Air Purification Laws Change Since The COVID-19 Outbreak?

It is possible we may begin to see changes in air purification laws due to the outbreak of COVID-19. It is clear we need to use every available option to fight this invisible killer and the buildings we inhabit need to have the technology to protect us from their devastating impact.

Air purification laws may change in order for designers to implement increased circulation, ventilation, outdoor air flow and control humidity levels – amongst other strategies. Making procedures such as air filtration and UVGI systems mandatory could be critical to futureproof our communities.

As it currently stands, in the UK we have laws surrounding temperature, the introduction of fresh air to buildings, and controlling the level of some pollutants. A potential addition to this list could be the introduction of a minimum indoor humidity level – as the virus lives longer in less humid climates.

Setting a minimum indoor humidity level is likely to help in the battle against COVID-19 and therefore reduce stress on our healthcare system and economy.

We may also see laws change which stipulate that all public and commercial buildings must regularly monitor and submit air quality readings in order to maximise safe working practises for the occupants inside.

The UK Government has focused its advice on social distancing, handwashing, working from home and avoiding public transport. These are all important ways to slow the spread of coronavirus transmission, however quality of air in public and commercial buildings is also crucial.

Key workers in hospitals and schools are negatively impacted by poor air quality, even if they are practising Government guidelines as mentioned above, their health may still be compromised. It is critical we assist in the protection of our key workers in public environments and air purification is a necessary point to address.

Due to the unpredictable nature of the pandemic, it is impossible to say exactly which laws will change or if new laws will come into play regarding the air quality in buildings. What is safe to say, is that controlling air flow and increasing air purification is a reliable and necessary step towards bringing infection rates down and safe guarding public health.

Scientists all over the world are working tirelessly to develop the coronavirus vaccine. Until we find a cure, we must act now to prevent further spread and minimise casualties. Using air purification technology is just one of the ways we can do this.

Talk To Airius About The Legalities Of Air Purification And Options Available Today

If you would like to find out more about the variety of air purification technologies that can be used in your buildings, please contact us and we will be happy to help you. We have a range of air purification strategies that can be developed from scratch or work in addition to your existing systems that can all assist in the management of COVID-19.

You can get in touch with us by calling on 01202 554 200 or via email at

Coronavirus Protection and the PureAir


The recent Coronavirus outbreak has again demonstrated the effectiveness of the use of air purification oxidation technology in medical facilities around the world. Air purification and oxidisation is a major contributor in speeding up patient recovery times and in preventing the spread of viruses, bacteria, and other harmful indoor contaminants.

Although the technology was originally developed for health facilities, a combination of demand from the public and from employees for better indoor environments, research-driven technological advances, and more efficient manufacturing processes has contributed to the adoption of air purifiers by the commercial, education, and public sectors (including the military).

In this article, Airius describes:

  • • The coronavirus pandemic of 2020
  • • The Chinese authorities and the installation of air purifier to aid patient recovery
  • • The importance of air purifier usage within health facilities
  • • How the Airius PureAir reduces the presence of virus by 99.99%

The coronavirus pandemic of 2020

On 1st December 2019, doctors detected the symptoms of a brand new and potentially lethal virus in a person in the Chinese province of Wuhan who had not been at the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market. This was significant because the forty people who had been recorded as experiencing the same symptoms had links to the seafood market. The discovery of a person with the same illness who did not share the common link was the first indication that it was a communicable virus.

The virus then spread quickly in the Wuhan province and then to other countries around the world because of the interconnected global economy and travel networks.

On the 11th March 2020, the World Health Organisation declared the outbreak of the new virus, called either the Coronavirus or COVID-19, as a pandemic after the number of cases outside China increased by 1,200% over the period of the previous fortnight.

Air purifiers in Wuhan – ground zero of the original outbreak

The Chinese government’s reaction to the outbreak of COVID-19 was rapid. Within days, 14 temporary hospitals had been built by the authorities to cope with the number of in-patients created by the virus. The first hospital opened on February the 5th and treated 1,848 patients before its closure on March 10th – just 34 days later.

More so than perhaps any other country, China has the experience to deal with COVID-19 because of the previous outbreaks in the country of SARS and swine flu.

The authorities appreciated the importance of clean and sanitised air in the treatment of the new outbreak – High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) air purifiers were installed in many local health facilities to aid patients’ respiration during treatment. 

The use of air purifiers in health facilities

Doctors have long recognised the value of clean air in both patients’ recovery time and for its effectiveness in preventing further infection in their patients. The quality of indoor air has been directly linked to health epidemics including outbreaks of SARS, MRSA, and Legionnaires’ disease.

Many bacteria and viruses live in the air and on surfaces within health facilities. For every medical facility, there is a constant need for them to decontaminate their indoor spaces to protect against noxious contaminants like infectious diseases, residue of chemicals used in treatment, the risks posed by hazardous materials, and micro-organisms which either threaten the health of patients or staff or could be damaging to the environment at large.

In addition to general decontamination procedures like sterilisation, antisepsis application, disinfection, ultrasonic cleaning, water purification, and regular cleaning, air purification reduces the risk of airborne infection and the growth of mould (now recognised as being responsible for many respiratory illnesses and a suspected cause of many cases of sudden infant death syndrome).

Oxidisation technology also features in many air purification system installations in both health facilities and other organisations. Controlled oxidisation through the use of compounds like chlorine, hydrogen peroxide, and ozone effectively and quickly destroys threats to human health and comfort like, volatile organic compounds (VOC) as well as producing better health outcomes. Advances in a more recent oxidisation technology called photohydroionisation is yielding very promising results and it is being deployed in many products reaching the market like the Airius PureAir.

The Airius PureAir

The Airius PureAir air purification and odour control system integrates the latest non-HEPA PHI oxidisation technology from one of the worlds leading specialists in air, water and food purification – RGF Environmental, to protect staff, visitors, patients, guests, and other stakeholders from indoor air pollution. There are four models available for organisations to choose from – speak with an Airius representative to help you in selecting the best model for your premises and user base.

There are multiple health sector applications for the Airius system including doctors’ surgeries, dentists’ surgeries, hospitals, first aid facilities, care and nursing homes, and general medical facilities. Its 4-log reduction technology reduces virus presence and surface bacteria to a factor of 99%+.

In independent test results carried out by a range of laboratories, research studies and RGF Environmental clients, PHI Cell technology reduced the presence of MRSA, Norwalk Virus, Streptococcus, Bird Flu, Swine Flu, Candida Albicans, and SARS by 99%+ within just 24hrs. The same was recorded over 48 hours for listeria, mould, streptococcus pneumoniae, staphylococcus aureus, and bacillus globigii.

PureAir’s use is not just restricted to medical facilities. Other businesses, the military, and the education sector invest in the system to reduce absenteeism, the presence of odours, gases, vapours, and VOCs.

Find out more about Airius PureAir

Feedback from medical facilities, businesses, retailers, schools, and the public sector on the Airius PureAir have been very favourable. In addition to a 20% reduction in staff absenteeism, a cleaner working environment, and better stakeholder health, users appreciate:

  • • The system requires no maintenance
  • • The PureAir units are unobtrusive, versatile, and small
  • • The reduction in CO2 emissions, heating costs, and cooling costs, and
  • • Its compatibility with current HVAC systems.

Please get in touch with us by calling 01202 554 200 or simply send an email to and we’ll send you an electronic brochure on our non-HEPA PureAir air purification and oxidisation system.

Based in Dorset, Airius provides destratification fans, LED lighting systems, and electrical engineering services. We work with public sector organisations and businesses to improve physical environment for the staff and the public and to reduce energy expenditure. Our client roster includes British Airways, Harrods, Mercedes, Siemens, Morrisons and Waitrose.

Strongdor (Morcambe) – Full Factory Refit

In partnership with Halo Management, Airius were contracted to provide a full factory refit of Strongdor’s Factory Facility in Morcambe.

Airius PureAir

Clean Air & Eliminate Odours

Airius PureAir Home – Trailer

Introduction to the Airius PureAir Home Air & Surface Purification System.

Airius PureAir Home – Promo Video

The Airius Home PureAir is an air purification and airflow circulation system that fits discretely into the ceiling of your home. It is designed for all residential spaces, from family homes to community living.

Airius PureAir Produce Shelf Life 2

This video shows the effectiveness of the PureAir Series in reducing mould, using fresh food stored in identical environments over 7 days.

Airius PureAir Produce Shelf Life 1

This video shows the effectiveness of the PureAir Series in reducing mould, using fresh food stored in identical environments over 5 days.

Airius PureAir Flowers Shelf Life Test

This video shows the effectiveness of the PureAir series in extending the shelf life of fresh flowers stored in identical environments at 19°C over 16 days.

PureAir Series – PHI Cell Replacement Guide (8.5m+ Installs)

Video Tutorial Guide on How to Replace the PHI Cell in the PureAir Series on Units with no Cell Guard (For Installations 8.5m+)

PureAir Series – PHI Cell Replacement Guide (2.5m – 8m Installs)

Video Tutorial Guide on How to Replace the PHI Cell in the PureAir Series (For Installations from 2.5m to 8m).

Airius PureAir Home – Smoke Test

Domestic Smoke Test Video

Airius Reme Ion – Smoke Test

This video test shows how effective the REME ION is at cleaning air, using smoke to represent contaminants.

Beagle Technology Group

£65K Remodelling Project Across Beagle’s 6,000m² Site In 4 Weeks


Beagle Technology needed a remodelling of their Christchurch site in Dorset, measuring approximately 6,000m².

Following a free survey and meeting with Beagle’s Facilities Director, Mark Campbell to evaluate the clients specific needs, Airius were tasked to facilitate the project. A detailed plan was designed for the remodelling of the site, including an additional 400A electrical supply at the rear of the factory to cater for investment in new machinery.



A 600mm Ladder cable system was installed stretching the full length of the Factory, suspended from the roof purlins. This connected the original supply intake to the new panel board, which required installation of
185mm ‘4-C-SWA’ supply cable.

3 x 100A sub boards were also installed to provide power for smaller machinery, in addition to a new 100A CNC Mill, running directly from the original electrical incomer and along the Cable Ladder.


New Airius energy efficient high bay LED lighting system was installed over the CNC Machines, improving staff productivity and ensuring adherence with operationally accepted levels. New Emergency lighting was also installed to comply with health and safety risk assessments carried out by the client.


Contact Us

Airius Electrical Contractors have extensive experience working in all types of buildings and market sectors with teams of electricians who have the knowledge and qualifications to provide you with the highest quality of electrical installation available. We take great pride in always delivering you the best possible service, but importantly we do so at a realistic price.
Our helpful, skilled and qualified electrical teams bring a wealth of over 30 years’ electrical contracting experience to any electrical project, large or small. Height is also not a problem as all our teams are experienced and qualified for high-level projects, either by rope access or using our in-house scissor lifts.

In order to cater for the varying needs of our customers we also aim to provide a service that fits in around you and your timetable, offering flexible installation times 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. In addition, we can provide comprehensive on-site surveys (by arrangement) as well as project Risk Assessment & Method Statements (RAMS).

To make sure your next electrical project is completed to your satisfaction, on time and within budget, contact Airius Electrical Contractors.

Contact Us to learn more >>

Gama Aviation

Power & Lighting Installation Into Gama Aviation’s new 7,000m² Facility


As part of Gama Aviation’s continued growth in the Aviation Industry, the company had branched out to an additional new site at Bournemouth Airport.

A Lighting System was required for the new Hangar and Office Facilities, as well as installation of new Power supply.

The project also included decommissioning and recommissioning of power inverters, Milling Machinery and various smaller electrical items.

The Site was also under strict security control.



A new lighting system was designed and installed providing an impressive 800 Lux, supplemented by a daylight harvesting system, significantly improving conditions in the facility.

Installation was carried out at heights of up to 22m using Airius in-house access equipment. 2 new Distribution boards were also installed, along with cable containment systems to supply new machinery installed on site.

As part of the project an EICR was conducted and additional work carried out at the request of the client, as recommended in the report.


A complete remodel of Gama Aviation’s 7,000²m Office and Hangar facility was completed with additional lighting and power, in line with the client’s and builders’ specifications, including 0-10v dimming and occupancy sensors in the office areas.


Contact Us

Airius Electrical Contractors have extensive experience working in all types of buildings and market sectors with teams of electricians who have the knowledge and qualifications to provide you with the highest quality of electrical installation available. We take great pride in always delivering you the best possible service, but importantly we do so at a realistic price.

Our helpful, skilled and qualified electrical teams bring a wealth of over 30 years’ electrical contracting experience to any electrical project, large or small. Height is also not a problem as all our teams are experienced and qualified for high-level projects, either by rope access or using our in-house scissor lifts.

In order to cater for the varying needs of our customers we also aim to provide a service that fits in around you and your timetable, offering flexible installation times 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. In addition, we can provide comprehensive on-site surveys (by arrangement) as well as project Risk Assessment & Method Statements (RAMS).

To make sure your next electrical project is completed to your satisfaction, on time and within budget, contact Airius Electrical Contractors.

Contact Us to learn more >>