Impress installed 34 Airius fan units into their factory to save on heating costs and their investment was repaid 3 times over in the first winter they were installed.
“Overall savings taking into account lower temperatures and prices in winter = 45.07%. The full cost of the Airius units is re-couped within a matter of months – first winter savings of £62,351 measured against a total spend of £21,268.” Paul Matten (Plant Engineer)
“Overall savings taking into account lower temperatures and prices in winter = 45.07%. The full cost of the Airius units is re-couped within a matter of months – first winter savings of £62,351 measured against a total spend of £21,268.”
Oil prices dropped by an average of 9.5% during the recording period compared to the previous winter period. This will enhance the actual savings.
The mean temperature for East Anglia during winter 07/08 was 5.7°C. The mean temperature for East Anglia during winter 08/09 was much cooler at 3.4°C.
The heating system thermostats are set to 16°C, resulting in an increase in the requirement for heating in East Anglia of 22%.
This analysis excludes the purchase and installation costs of £21,268 in the first year.