Heating and cooling your school, college or university is likely one of the largest running costs you face.
Airius fans offer a smart way to make the most of your energy expenditure, and prevent the phenomenon of thermal stratification. While your heat rises to the ceilings, leaving a significant disparity between floor and ceiling levels, your colleagues and students suffer from chills on one floor and heat exhaustion on another.
Airius have been working with schools, colleges and universities, not only throughout the UK, but around the world to reduce their running costs by an average of 35% (in some cases by over 50%) and maintain optimum comfort levels for learning and teaching with the Airius destratification system.
The effects of stratification, which is the vertical layering of increasing temperatures in a space as a result of heat rising, is a common and costly problem experienced in schools, colleges and universities. The typical design of these buildings with high ceilinged assembly halls, lecture theatres, sports facilities and swimming pools means that excessive amounts of heat must be supplied to first fill the void above head height before the desired temperature reaches floor level.
Alternatively, in cooled spaces the interior design, furnishings and atmospheric loss through open doors and windows hinder uniform distribution of comfort. With the Airius destratification system the need to over-heat or over-cool a space is eliminated and significant savings can be achieved.
As well as being endorsed by the Carbon Trust, who recommend destratification as one of their top cost and carbon saving measures, the Airius Range is available to purchase under the Salix funding scheme which delivers 100% interest free capital to the public sector, giving the flexibility to fund projects through the savings made.
"It has been a very hot summer but the Airius Fans units have cooled the preschool down by circulating and cleaning the air – they are almost as good as an air conditioning unit! We are yet to enter the winter months but we expect that we will also have less sickness due to the Airius PHI add on killing bugs and bacteria!" Tony Bracefield - General Manager Read in full
"Thank you for all your work this term in improving DG1. The addition of fans have greatly improved the working environment for staff and students making it much cooler and more comfortable, and it is something that I and the TAS team appreciate. " Paul Berecry - Facilities Manager
"The Airius Fans certainly have made a big difference and improved comfort during the various functions we have at the centre. He indicated that one of the great benefits of the Fans is that since installation there have been no complaints about the overheating and there is much appreciation of having the areas cooler”. Contract Manager Read in full
"Installing the Destratification Fans was a first for us and addressed a need to improve the working environment of the pool-side staff. The fans were straightforward to install through our M&E contractor A McKay & Co. Now that the system is running in co-ordination with the air handling plant this has been achieved successfully." David Hamer – Maintenance Surveyor
"We had previously spent vast amounts of money installing mechanical air handling units and ducting systems in the pool, yet there were still areas around the pool where instructors and customers found it very humid. The Model 60 Airius fan not only alleviated this issue but helped dry out an end wall that was often wet with condensation." Howard Gumbley - General Manager Read in full
"The Airius fans have proved to be effective and do not dominate the space but fit easily into the hall; they are almost not noticeable whilst moving the air around the hall, creating air flow on hot, still days making the hall more comfortable to teach and learn in.“ Rod Seib - Director of Sport Read in full
"The Airius system has been in operation for six months now. We are more than happy with the results. The space is a lot more usable in the hotter summer months. We have received great feedback from both the school PE department and also external hirers. High intensity sport is played in the gym now with a lot more comfort." Keith Stevenson - Facilities Manager Read in full
“We are using the Airius Destratification fans for our music rooms and they have proved effective at redistributing the warm air from the ceiling to the occupied areas below. We are now considering installing the Airius fans in our Large Hall." Gary Kelly – Business Manager Read in full
"The National Star College is a residential further education college for students with disabilities. Because a lot of our students are in wheelchairs, they feel the cold more than an ambulant person. We do not have sub metering in this area, so energy savings cannot be quantified but rest assured, life is much better for our students and staff.” David Crompton – Head of Estates Read in full
"Prior to installation the main admin block was unbearable to work in – since the installation the whole admin area has improved. The mezzanine is not as hot and the main area on the ground has a more stable temperature. I can honestly say that the installation of the Airius destratification fans has improved comfort levels in the whole area.” Yvonne Conway – Estates Manager