Airius Cooling Fans Maintaining Comfort in a Gym - Banner 1
Airius Cooling Fans Maintaining Comfort in a Factory - Banner 2
Airius Cooling Fans Maintaining Comfort in an Office - Banner 3
Airius Cooling Fans Maintaining Comfort in a Swimming Pool - Banner 4



Airius fans are not just useful for heated environments. Our airflow circulation fans can also help you cool your building, reduce energy consumption and improve comfort levels.

Many buildings suffer from overheating, resulting in poor performance, discomfort, absenteeism – as well as damage to the building and equipment, such as condensation and mould.

The fastest and most cost-effective way to resolve overheating in buildings is to address the movement and circulation of air. Low levels of air movement result in poor circulation and stuffy, uncomfortable, overheated environments.

The discomfort experienced in many warmer climates is connected to thermal stratification. This is caused by warm air rising and cooler air becoming trapped in cold spots. This can result in a significant disparity in temperatures between within environments. Some parts of your real estate are perfectly comfortable while many others feel uncomfortably warm and airless.

While primitive ceiling fans use large blades to churn warm air around the ceiling, Airius fans use our patented multi-vane stator technology to efficiently create a column of air that reaches all the way to the floor.

Airius airflow circulation fans equalise temperatures and ensure regular air circulation – and they do it all with remarkable efficiency – costing as little as £24/year.

Managing increased air movement not only provides cheap comfort cooling, but also accelerates evaporation, eliminating humidity issues.


  • 80% cheaper than air-conditioning.
  • Environments feel 2 – 3°C cooler with every m/s (metre per second) of airflow.*
  • Condensation reduced or eliminated.
  • Minimal running costs (from £24/pa).
  • Latest fan circulation technology (columnar-laminar flow) removes draught disturbance.
  • Eliminates hot or cold spots.
  • Ultra-quiet avoiding noise disturbance.
  • Rapid ROI – usually 8 – 18 months.
  • 35% average reduction in carbon emissions.
  • Works alongside all HVAC systems.
  • Eligible for carbon reducing grants/loans.

The body cools itself in two ways: evaporative cooling and conductive cooling.

Conductive cooling is a process where the human circulatory system carries core heat to the skin’s surface which is carried away as air passes over the skin.

Evaporative cooling the body is when moisture is secreted through sweat glands in the skin (Perspiration). Air movement evaporates this moisture into vapour. This process of evaporation requires energy taken in the form of heat which is why skin is left feeling cooler.

Which is why when someone stands in front of a fan they will cool more rapidly than in still air and why a gentle breeze on a hot day can mean the difference between perfect comfort or overheating.

Air movement provides an extremely cost effective and often overlooked alternative solution to the problem of overheating and/or humidity in buildings. Currently the most popular solution is air conditioning however, air conditioning is expensive to install and run and creates large amounts of carbon. Even now with many different types of systems on the market research still shows a significant proportion of people dislike and express discomfort in air conditioned environments.

The Airius system is the world’s leading destratification and air circulation fan system which uses ductless technology to manage and circulate airflow within buildings for comfort and cooling at a fraction of the cost with none of the disruption or discomfort associated with air conditioning systems.

Airius Airflow Circulation Systems – Cooling Solutions


Airius airflow circulation fans should be considered as an cost-effective alternative to air conditioning, or as an essential addition to your new or existing air conditioning system.

Designed to be installed as a stand-alone product, Airius fans will also improve the performance of all types of air conditioning systems by moving the manufactured cool air they produce more efficiently throughout an interior space to balance temperatures which reduce energy costs, dramatically improve internal environments and even downgrade air conditioning equipment requirements.

Airius achieve these impressive results by moving chilled air slowly and methodically which eliminates cool air from collecting at low points at floor level and eradicates temperature differentials within all types of interior spaces such as offices, retail stores, manufacturing, warehouses and public buildings, schools and sports facilities etc.

Easy to fix and operate with no maintenance required, Airius fans can be installed into either suspended or open plan ceilings to blow a near silent slow moving column of air to the floor.

When this air column reaches the floor, it radiates out 360° until it hit a vertical surface and returns vertically back up towards the ceiling continually entraining onto the descending column to create millions of tiny vortices which balance the temperature floor to ceiling; any warm air in the ceiling will soon mix with the cooler air to quickly achieve set temperatures.

Airius, the world experts in airflow circulation fan technology have the largest range of fans available to balance temperatures for all types of building designs and uses, with ceiling heights from 2.5m to 35m, offices to aircraft hangars!

The number and model of Airius fan units required for a specific building is identified for installation based upon ceiling height, floor area and layout. All Airius fans have minimal single phase power requirement from between 12 to 400 Watts depending on the model and can be simply connected to an on/off switch or speed controller.

Benefits Include:

  • Airflow promotes cooling significantly.
  • 90% Cheaper than Air-Conditioning.
  • Condensation reduced or eliminated.
  • Minimal running costs (from £24/pa).
  • Eliminates hot or cold spots.
  • Ultra-quiet avoiding noise disturbance.
  • Latest fan circulation technology (columnar- laminar flow) removes draught disturbance.
  • Rapid ROI – Usually 8 – 18 months.
  • 35% average reduction in carbon emissions.
  • Works alongside ALL types of HVAC systems.
  • Eligible for carbon reducing grants/loans.

Features Include:

  • 120 Day money back guarantee.
  • 5 Year warranty.
  • Excellent evaporative cooling capabilities.
  • Very low energy consumption.
  • Controllable and directional airflow.
  • Speed controllable.
  • Lightweight, simple to install & relocatable.
  • Reliable, designed for 24/7 operation.
  • No structural building requirements.
  • No maintenance programmes.
  • Non-Turbulent air flow.
  • Proven in all types of applications.

Managing Air-flow for Cooling

Poor thermal levels and especially overheating not only affects comfort but also has hidden impacts both directly and indirectly which can severely effect a building’s efficiency and productivity of its occupants.

Overheating can impact heavily on:

  • Staff Productivity, Morale & Absenteeism
  • High Utility Costs & Demand on Facilities
  • Increased Accidents
  • High Insurance Premiums
  • Customer Discomfort & Inconvenience
  • Reduced Personnel Concentration Levels
  • Employee Absenteeism
  • Inefficient Management

As a result, there have been a huge amount of research documenting the benefits of air movement as the most cost-effective method for cooling in buildings. Evidence also shows that with any cooling requirement, air movement is the first place to start when assessing solutions to resolve overheating issues.

Thermal Comfort and Air Movement*

Professor Richard Aynsley (UNESCO Professor of Tropical Architecture and Director of The Australian Institute of Tropical Architecture) studied the value of air movement to improve thermal comfort.

He found that even just a slight increase in air movement (velocity), can have a profound effect on comfort. With every m/s (metre per second) of airflow environments feel 2.3°C cooler.

“Air movement of 3 m/s on a 35°C day with 70% RH, can offer a 7°C cooling effect reduction. That means the air flow will make it feel like its 28°C not 35°C.”

Air Movement Vs Thermal Sensation

In 2007 Hui Zhang, (Specialist in Human Thermal Comfort at the Center for the Built Environment – University of California), carried out a study on ‘Air Movement Preferences Observed in Buildings.’

The outcome of this study showed that 96% of people want more air movement when they begin to overheat and even when there is no cooling requirement, people welcome air movement.


"It has been a very hot summer but the Airius Fans units have cooled the preschool down by circulating and cleaning the air – they are almost as good as an air conditioning unit! We are yet to enter the winter months but we expect that we will also have less sickness due to the Airius PHI add on killing bugs and bacteria!"

Tony Bracefield - General Manager

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- Manukau Christian Charitable Trust

"Thank you for all your work this term in improving DG1. The addition of fans have greatly improved the working environment for staff and students making it much cooler and more comfortable, and it is something that I and the TAS team appreciate. "

Paul Berecry - Facilities Manager

- Pittwater House School

"The Airius Fans certainly have made a big difference and improved comfort during the various functions we have at the centre. He indicated that one of the great benefits of the Fans is that since installation there have been no complaints about the overheating and there is much appreciation of having the areas cooler”.

Contract Manager

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- Green Point Christian College

"The compact Airius fan unit is fantastic! It produces a column of downward air that doesn't disturb nearby pendants; is super compact, very unobtrusive and looks better than a normal blade fan; removes any chance of "strobing" where a downlight can be seen through fan blades when they rotate; and is great for tall ceiling heights.

Andrew Sypkens - Architect

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- Centrum Architects

"Installing the Destratification Fans was a first for us and addressed a need to improve the working environment of the pool-side staff. The fans were straightforward to install through our M&E contractor A McKay & Co. Now that the system is running in co-ordination with the air handling plant this has been achieved successfully."

David Hamer – Maintenance Surveyor

- Midlothian Council

"We had previously spent vast amounts of money installing mechanical air handling units and ducting systems in the pool, yet there were still areas around the pool where instructors and customers found it very humid. The Model 60 Airius fan not only alleviated this issue but helped dry out an end wall that was often wet with condensation."

Howard Gumbley - General Manager

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- Hilton Brown Swimming Pools

"The Airius fans have proved to be effective and do not dominate the space but fit easily into the hall; they are almost not noticeable whilst moving the air around the hall, creating air flow on hot, still days making the hall more comfortable to teach and learn in.“

Rod Seib - Director of Sport

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- Saint Stephens College

"The Airius system has been in operation for six months now. We are more than happy with the results. The space is a lot more usable in the hotter summer months. We have received great feedback from both the school PE department and also external hirers. High intensity sport is played in the gym now with a lot more comfort."

Keith Stevenson - Facilities Manager

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- SCEGGS School Sports Facility

"5 Airius Standard Series Model 25 units were used to effectively cool down the areas surrounding the MLC Swimming Pool."

Mark Winstanley - MLC Facility Manager

- Methodist Ladies College

"The Airius units seem to be working well and the pool surrounds feel much cooler and better."

David Jordan - Manager

- Pacific Pines Pool & Spa Services

"Current overall store energy savings are running in summer at around 30% and winter at around 8% plus a two degree temperature increase.”

Engineering Contractor

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- Major Australasian Retailer

"I spoke to the high school PE teacher (major user of the stadium) & they are finding the Airius Fans really good, especially in summer!"

Helen Mathew (FRAIA)

- Mount Beauty Sports Centre

"The Airius units are quite remarkable as they create a system of cooling air circulation, they are easy to install and easy to maintain and great value as well. You have a great product, provide great service and excellent value, ease of installation and ease of operation.”

David Jordan - Manager

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- YMCA (Young Men’s Christian Association)

"After installing two Airius fans and experiencing the immediate difference to the comfort level in the bar, we were very impressed. Looking forward to seeing how they perform in summer, and we are planning to install more of the units around the building..”

Sam Slaney - Distillery Manager

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- Starward Whiskey Distillery

"The Airius system was installed during the summer whilst the AC system was closed down for servicing and we were happy to find the environment now comfortable without the AC running. This has now led to the entire AC system being decommissioned with a considerable reduction in electricity consumption."

Iain Calder – Property Director

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- Tiso Ltd

“We are very impressed with the results Airius fans have achieved in our ten pin bowling centre at Nantgarw in South Wales. The atmosphere inside has been greatly improved reducing staff & customer comfort complaints by 90%. They have also allowed us to increase our thermostats from 19°c to 23.5°c resulting in a saving of over 70% on our cooling costs.”

Ben Carne - Energy Manager

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- Bowlplex Plc

"We carried out temperature readings before and after installation and after the variance in temperature over a 24 hour period was between 1 and 1.5 degrees. This is a significant improvement over previous readings. Feedback from Centre users has been very positive with customers commenting on the “freshness” of the internal environment.”

Duncan A. McLaren BSc, PgDip, AIEMA – Senior Energy Technician

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- Saltire Leisure Centre