Cooling Energy & Its Impact On Architecture & The Environment

Cooling Energy & Its Impact On The Environment

Cooling Energy & Conventional Air Conditioning Systems Are A Major Energy Consumer & Contributor To Carbon Emissions.

Excuse the pun, but environmental issues including global warming are ‘hot topics’ at the moment, particularly with regards to cooling energy consumption. Open any newspaper or switch on the news and you’ll likely find a story about the environmental impact of increased energy usage. Campaign groups including Extinction Rebellion have turned climate change into a political issue, meaning there is increased scrutiny on how much – and what type of – energy we use in our everyday lives.

For businesses, this means facing increasingly stringent energy legislation imposed by the government. ‘Going green’ has never been more relevant. But, instead of viewing energy compliance as a burden on your business, embrace the many benefits that go along with cleaning up your act when it comes to energy usage.

With the country aiming to be carbon free by 2050, now is the perfect time to review your energy spend. We also all have a responsibility to do our bit for the environment and reducing your company’s cooling costs can have a significant impact on your bottom line.

For businesses in the UK and across the globe, hitting environmental targets can offer a number of measurable benefits including slashing your costs by reducing wasted energy, providing efficiency savings, providing a more comfortable working environment and being seen as a leader in your sector when it comes to energy compliance.

How does architecture affect a building’s energy efficiency?

According to historical records, the concept of architecture developed as far back as 10,000 BC – yes, over 12,000 years ago! – but it’s only relatively recently that energy efficiency has been taken into consideration when it comes to the design of a building. 

Because of this, many older premises are ill-equipped to deal with modern levels of energy consumption. And, with the science behind cooling and heating systems having only been fully understood until the 21st century, reducing your energy costs and emissions, and providing a more comfortable working environment should be considered a priority, especially if your property is not of a modern design. 

Modern workspaces are able to take advantage of a wide range of active and passive methods of temperature regulation, but if your business is based in an older building it’s likely that your premises could benefit from a modern technology such as an destratification system to distribute hot and cooled air more efficiently. 

Did you know that more air conditioning units actually use as much energy to cool a building as a heating system uses to warm it? In many cases more so, especially in those countries with warmer climates than the UK.  Although, with global temperatures warming and summer months getting hotter each year, energy use for cooling in the UK is forecast to increase significantly.  Thankfully, our cooling systems provide an effective solution for redistributing cooled or warm air without consuming large amounts of energy. Combined with other forms of energy reducing materials such as thermal insulation, nowadays it’s easy to ‘go green’ whatever the age of your building.

How can I reduce my energy bills and make a positive environmental impact?

There are a variety of ways in which you can cut your energy spending and lower your carbon emissions, but the best method by far is to make sure the HVAC systems in your workspace are performing at peak efficiency levels.

With many UK businesses using outdated and inefficient air conditioning and HVAC systems, it’s no surprise that this is where up to 70% of a business’s energy budget is typically spent. And, with profit margins increasingly stretched, it’s essential to make changes to your energy systems sooner rather than later.

At Airius, our market-leading destratification fan units provide cost-effective cooling solutions for businesses of all shapes and sizes, helping to lower carbon emissions, general running costs and energy usage. Our fully guaranteed energy systems provide energy efficiency savings of up to 40% and work seamlessly alongside all existing HVAC air conditioning and cooling systems.

As well as slashing your energy bills and creating a more productive working environment, by installing an Airius destratification system, you’re essentially future-proofing your business from increasingly stringent energy efficiency legislation.

What is a destratification airflow circulation cooling system?

Destratification and airflow circulation cooling is the process by which air is continuously circulated within a space to balance temperatures.  By keeping air continuously moving, spaces benefit from a gentle breeze effect which increases the level of evaporative cooling for occupants.  Destratification and airflow circulation cooling systems are also specifically designed using installation height and/or variable speed controls to allow for a heat sink in the ceiling space, so only the cooler air below is circulated. 

Airius destratification cooling systems work alongside a wide variety of existing equipment and boost the performance of pre-existing energy systems including air conditioning and HVAC units. By optimising the cool and warm air in your workplace, our units provide stable environmental temperatures, cutting carbon emissions, pollution and energy waste by an average of 35%.

How does a destratification system help the environment?

Our cooling and destratification systems are the perfect solution for cutting carbon emissions and pollution. If your workspace has a ceiling height between 2.5 and 38 metres, your premises will benefit from our affordable, industry-leading fan units.

Our destratification systems are quick and simple to install and work in an all shapes and sizes of buildings, from offices to aircraft hangars, to supermarkets and shopping centres. As well as cutting damaging emissions, our cooling systems provide a fresher-feeling and more comfortable environment for both staff and customers.

Buildings without any current air conditioning and HVAC systems can also benefit from the controlled environment produced by a destratification system. By improving air flow circulation, our fans are designed to produce a natural cooling effect of moving air, as well as recycling heat wastage from lighting and other appliances during the heating season.

What are the benefits of a destratification cooling system?

By re-circulating the air used in your business premises, you can make big savings to your energy expenditure whilst doing your bit for the environment.

Our market leading and fully guaranteed destratification and cooling systems work seamlessly alongside your existing air conditioning and HVAC equipment to reduce C02 emissions and reduce energy costs in your building by an average of 35%.

The many benefits of installing an Airius cooling system, include:

How much maintenance does a destratification cooling system require?

All Airius destratification units require very little ongoing maintenance. They are quick and easy to install and extremely affordable to operate, resulting in a 40% reduction in cooling costs for UK businesses.

Whether you run a small independent business or manage a chain of large stores, an Airius cooling system can benefit your business. Our team of expert fitters will work with you to provide a bespoke installation tailored to your specific wants and needs.

Are you looking to purchase a destratification cooling system?

Making a positive environmental impact by maximising your energy efficiency needn’t be as difficult as you may think. Our destratification and cooling systems are designed to make reducing energy wastage in your business as painless as possible.

Whether your business is old or new, improve your bottom line and your green credentials at the same time by installing an Airius destratification and cooling system in your business.

Why not call us now on 01202 554200 to see how we can help you save an average of 35% on your energy expenditure.