Volkswagen Showroom

Destratification System Volkswagen Showroom Banner

Volkswagen Group (UK) Ltd installed the Airius system into their Head Office Showroom in Milton Keynes, saving them 20,000 kWh on their gas consumption per month and giving them a return on their investment within 90 days.

Key Points:
  • ROI = Under 90 days
  • £460 – Monthly savings (2.3p/kWh)
  • 20,000kWh – Monthly gas reduction
  • 14ºC – Stratification before Airius
  • 1-2ºC – Stratification after Airius
  • HVAC run-time reduced by @ 24 hours
  • 45 tonnes – Approx. annual CO2 reduction

Volkswagen Showroom – Destratification Fan System

Under normal winter heating conditions the temperature in the Volkswagen showroom at high level was measured at 32ºC and at low level 18ºC.

This stratification effect can be seen in this illustration and is very common in buildings of this nature.

The Airius destratification fan system was installed giving a much more comfortable even temperature throughout the area.

Following installation it was also noted that the heating, which normally ran all day trying to reach it’s set temperature, would switch off by midday and not start again until after 4pm.