Reducing your spend on heating by an average of 35%

Airius Destratification Fans Saving Money on Heating Bills

Fuel bills are rising for millions of households and businesses alike. For the latter this means either passing on the higher costs in the form of higher prices to customers, or in some cases to cease production or close down.

Why are fuel bills rising?

There’s been a worldwide squeeze on gas and energy supplies.

A cold winter in Europe last year put pressure on supplies and, as a result, stored gas levels are much lower than normal.

There’s been increased demand from Asia – especially China – for liquefied natural gas.

This has helped push up wholesale gas prices across the world. Since January, they’ve risen 250% (source:

Gas Suppliers Price Increase 2021

How can Airius help?

Airius has a range of unique, innovative fan solutions that save businesses an average of 35% on their energy – reducing consumption, bills and reducing the carbon footprint of your building. Our fans have reduced the bills of thousands of companies whether they are located in offices, warehouses, retail showrooms, hangars, factories, schools, hospitals – the solution works everywhere!

Too good to be true? How does it work?

All buildings naturally have a challenge balancing the temperature flow within the environment – this natural phenomenon is known as thermal stratification. Hot, lighter air rises towards the ceiling. Cool air falls to the floor. The result is a dramatic temperature difference between the floor and ceiling.

The main negative consequence of thermal stratification is that your heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems have to work harder to maintain an even temperature. Your HVAC systems have to over-deliver on hot or cool air in order to resist the effects of thermal stratification. Consequently, your energy bills are higher and the condition of your environment is rarely ideal.

Buildings with high ceilings are more likely to suffer from extreme temperature differences. Wasted heat will inevitably rise to the top of your building and have the opportunity to increase in temperature by up to 14°C. Conversely, heavier cooled air which is more difficult to distribute is wasted by sinking to low points in a building or by becoming trapped in difficult to circulate areas.

Airius Destratification Systems

Airius Destratification Fan Range for Heating & Cooling

To combat the problem of thermal stratification, we have a range of destratification fan systems that will balance the internal temperatures in your building, by recirculating existing heat and any additional heat generated from people, processes or solar gain.

Our systems will also reduce the operation time and workload required of heating and cooling systems significantly.

Where has this worked?

Lush – reduced heating costs by 60%!

Lush Retail Ltd needed to improve internal conditions at their Hatch Pond Road factory facility in Poole, Dorset. Temperatures at floor level were uncomfortably cold as their heating system was unable to reach acceptable conditions. This also incurred high energy costs as the heating system was running constantly in an attempt to reach set parameters.

Following installation of the Airius system heating costs for the site were reduced by over 60%!

Kingdom Shopping reduce costs with Airius Destratification

Kingdom Shopping Centre


Kingdom Shopping Centre Win Environmental Award for Heating Cost Reduction with Airius Destratification Fans

Shopping centres have among the highest energy costs and consumption when it comes to heating and cooling, yet still struggle to maintain comfortable temperatures. At the Kingdom Shopping Centre in Glenrothes tenants had made requests to the management to improve heating levels, as units were uncomfortably cold despite the high heating bills. So, Kingdom set out to find a solution that would not only improve heating comfort, but also conserve energy.

Kingdom Shopping Centre worked with Airius to design and install a series of 26 Destratification fans throughout the Centre, including its 2 squares, central walkway, theatre and library. The results far exceeded the clients expectations and enabled the Centre to reduce the thermostat base level by 6°C, whilst also vastly improving comfort, leading to a significant reduction in energy costs and CO₂ emissions. The project was such a success that it directly led to the Centre being awarded ‘The Green Apple – Gold Award’ for environmental best practice.

Final Thoughts

Many companies and households have huge challenges to face with rapidly rising energy costs – and the forecasts suggest that those will continue to increase as we head towards 2022.

At Airius we love what we do and we want to help!

We are improving living and working conditions for all, reducing costs for businesses and reducing energy consumption to lessen the impact of climate change and make a real contribution towards the protection of our environment.

Through our unique expertise, passion, customer dedication and the best technology, Airius will deliver unparalleled comfort and protection.

We provide the whole service – advice, design, installation, service and maintenance.

We are here to help!